20 Nov

Your passion to do what you love has most probably what drawn you to fantasy writing. Since you are fond of reading fantasy fiction, you like to be part of the genre afterwards and be able to contribute to it. If you're a beginner in fantasy writing, you're probably seeking for tips and advice.
Lucky for you, following are things that can help you do so.

Number 1. Decide how you want your story to end - basic writing advice no matter what you're writing is having an idea how you want your story to end. Everyone wants to concentrate on starting a story which is vitally important but people remember the endings. Remember, the ending is what makes your book memorable. In order to compose the best story you can, it is essential to have goal that you're working on.

Number 2. How does the characters look like - next most important thing to remember is the type of characters that you wish to create. Will you be playing with the familiar types such as a mysterious ranger, farm boy that's being raised by his uncle and aunt, grouchy old mentor who doesn't answer question and so forth. Or are you the type of writer who goes bold and experiment outside the stereotypical fantasy character. Well most likely, you like to do both. Remember that readers like new faces as well as familiar ones that pleases them.

Number 3. Give them a structure to your system - any fantasies have some sort of magic. For the sake of consistency, you have to develop rules for your magic system to know how you can weave it into a story. What are the limitations of your power, what powers they have, does they need to be born with power or it could be learnt? In an effort to keep fantasy writing on track, you have to decide what type of equipment is onto your playground.

Number 4. Understand that it's a multistage process - keep in mind that your first draft is where you'd hash out your ideas and be able to know your characters. Even after you've completed your novel, thisfirst draft isn't ready still for publication. It is the framework that is filled with your inspirations. Next, you have to read it and edit it. Oftentimes, rewrite it in places or in the entire context. There are several stages to polish fantasy writing after you have completed your first draft so you best keep on going. Visit website for more in formation.

Check out also this related link: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/quora/the-best-writing-advice-f_b_13587034.html

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